
ViolenceBloodStrongLanguage.分級機構:ESRB(娛樂軟體分級委員會).包含12項Steam成就.檢視全部12.可兌換的點數商店物品.檢視所有10.SteamDeck相容性.已 ...,Blood,MildViolence,StrongLanguage.NoInteractiveElements.RatingSummary.NotAvailableforThisTitle.ExploreMoregames.gameratingiconM ...,...ESRBrating:MforViolence,Blood,StrongLanguage;Lastupdated:March16,2020.Showmore.Didwemisssomethingondiversity?Res...


Violence Blood Strong Language. 分級機構:ESRB(娛樂軟體分級委員會). 包含12 項Steam 成就. 檢視全部12. 可兌換的點數商店物品. 檢視所有10. Steam Deck 相容性. 已 ...


Blood, Mild Violence, Strong Language. No Interactive Elements. Rating Summary. Not Available for This Title. Explore More games. game rating icon M ...

Tharsis Game Review

... ESRB rating: M for Violence, Blood, Strong Language; Last updated: March 16, 2020. Show more. Did we miss something on diversity? Research shows a ...

Tharsis Release Information for PlayStation 4

ESRB Descriptor(s): Blood, Mild Violence, Strong Language. Local Players: 1 Player. Wikipedia (EN): Release ...

Tharsis Tor Front and Center I

Achievement `Front and Center I` earned by Tharsis Tor ... ESRB and the ESRB rating icon are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.


A mysterious signal leads to the key of humanity's survival. Defy the odds in this turn-based sci-fi strategy game in Tharsis ... ESRB 評級為17. PEGI 評級為12.